Access Keys:

St Mary's Parochial National School, Gortmaloge, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary

Mission Statement & Ethos

St. Mary’s Parochial School is a community where all pupils are equally valued and respected – irrespective of sex, social background, family circumstances, educational achievement, physical characteristic or intellectual functioning.  Pupils experience a sense of caring and belonging.  They are treated fairly and their spiritual, moral and religious development is encouraged as is their intellectual, social and academic development.

It is a community where moral values such as honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness, sensitivity to others, and civic responsibility are nurtured and protected.  The justification of these qualities is based on Biblical teaching interpreted by the Church.

St. Mary’s Parochial School is a part of the local church community and has strong links with the Parish.  This, for example, is shown by the fact that pupils attend Services in the local Church and the Rector visits the school on a regular basis.

The work of the school is conducted in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for religious differences.